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Park Kolonaden
Park Kolonaden
Park Kolonaden
Park Kolonaden
Park Kolonaden

Oberbaum City, Berlin

Park Kolonaden am Potsdamer Platz
The overall urban planning concept, representing the result of a design competition, is based on the prize-winning entry by architect Giorgio Grassi of Milan.
In the urban ground plan, the development structure is revealed as one organic figure, consisting of a head-building (tower), three U-shaped blocks and - at right-angles to them - another U-shaped block which is actually formed of two L-shaped buildings. The five individual building complexes are separated by streets and six metre wide "urban slots". The development rounds off the new Potsdamer Platz on the south-east.
Grassi's ideas on the building types and dimensions, the eaves which - with the exception of the highrise building -are uniform, the lattice facades, the use of just a few different materials such as clinker and light sandstone to create a binding identity between the blocks, and then the continuous outer precincts designed by land-scape architect Prof. Gustav Lange, with twenty-five 40-year-old pines, give the complex a strikingly distinctive character.
The clarity and meaningful simplicity, the reduction to essentials, the aesthetic abstraction consciously follow the tradition of Berlin's great 19th century architect, Karl Friedrich Schinkel. The complex is far more than an addition of architectural vanities.
Investor A+T Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH & Co Potsdamer Platz Berlin KG
Architects Architekten Schweger + Partner
Professor Giorgio Grassi
Professor Jürgen Sawade
Diener + Diener Architekten
Start of construction
Underground garage 1996
Buildings 1998
Completion 12-2001
Site area 16,519 m²
Floor area 75,000 m²
Use concept (lettable area)  
Office premises 44,400 m²
Retail / catering premises 4,700 m²
Apartments 9,140 m²
Other areas
Offices Ver.di, Cargolifter
Apartments Renting
G. Dreyer Planungsgesellschaft mbH, Bernadottestraße 28, 14195 Berlin, Tel +49 (0)30/310120-02, Fax -08,